Couples Therapy

Alternative to Marriage Counseling in Carlsbad, CA

“Best thing to hold onto in Life is each other.”

As an alternative to traditional marriage counseling, Teresa offers Couples Coaching, Relationship Advice & Couples Therapy. Do you know your Relationship Goals and/or Couples Goals? She uses the coaching model for successful breakthroughs between partners. Let’s face it, relationships can feel easy or hard, depending on how you approach it. Teresa’s winning approach has a 98% success rate!

She encourages each person to first get right with themselves, before they start focusing on their partner. Two healthy & mature people are more likely to have a happy marriage. Given this fact, we focus on making sure each individual is strong, flexible, and centered, knowing of who they are and what’s important to them, so they can in turn, better communicate with their spouse and build a wonderful life together. We also help couples resolve issues which may lead to a temporary separation or divorce.

Sustaining a long-term relationship or marriage takes proper focus, dedication, and most importantly, the right perspective. But sometimes, even the most seemingly ideal relationships can start to suffer. Add to that, Life’s unexpected challenges, and stress will eventually catch up with you, taking a toll on even the most stable of relationships.

So, if you and your partner need help with the issues you’re currently facing, contact Teresa and enroll in one of her many Couples Coaching programs, tailored just for you, via phone, online, or in-person, at her Carlsbad location in Southern California.


Learn to play nice & get what you want. If you find yourself at odds with your partner more often than not, it’s time to address the situation and start feeling great again! Teresa has created so many ways to resolve conflicts, build trust & respect, cultivate healthy communication practices, as well as re-kindle passion. Start with the one that most resonates for you. We can always add the others later. ~

FOR COUPLES ~ Co-Creating for Couples


As an alternative to traditional marriage counseling, we offer Couples Coaching programs. We begin by listening to both you and your partner to hear what you perceive as the problems and then we work with you to create an action plan which helps you move forward on your path to a happy home life.

2 A GOOD, HAPPY LIFE: Life Coaching for Individuals

Sometimes in a marriage, each partner needs to work more on their individual goals before focusing on their relationship goals. This could be after or before traditional marriage counseling or couples coaching. This individual coaching program can be done by phone or online for you to feel your progress.


Using a variety of methods, we will assess you and your partner’s similarities and differences so you can more consciously co-create a fulfilling relationship together. This coaching program helps you recognize which differences enrich your relationship and which ones may need further attention.

4 DATING YOUR MATE: Bring Back the Passion

Just because your married or living together, doesn’t mean you don’t crave romance! But sometimes the mundane aspects of life seem to interfere with the closeness you once shared. Dating Your Mate is a wonderful coaching program to help you rekindle your passion & enjoy the emotional and physical intimacy you crave.

5 ECSTATIC LIFESTYLES: Everyday Practices for Domestic Bliss

At Axis Magna Group, we believe that Life is meant to be an epic adventure of intelligent choices which lead us to a fulfilling life. So, we offer this ECSTATIC LIFESTYLES coaching program consult with you on your lifestyle choices. Many people are not aware of the wide variety of options available to them, but that’s why we’re here, to help you create a life you love living.

6 ELDER HUG: Couples Over 65

As we age, we have different concerns. What was important to you or your partner when you were in your 20s isn’t going to be exactly the same in your 60s or older. Elder Hug helps you work through the challenges facing many elder couples so you can truly feel enriched by your life as you savor this stage of your Life.

7 FENG SHUI your BEDROOM: Creating Love’s Sanctuary

Making your bedroom a veritable sanctuary is a good idea. Having consulted home owners for many years, Axis Magna Group offers you feng shui bedroom ideas to add that special ambience, making sure your bedroom provides a nurturing, romantic environment to support your marital harmony.

8 FENG SHUI your HEART: Emotional Release for Rational Thinking

When we have conscious or unconscious resistance to feel good, we need to clear the clutter that lies within our hearts. This coaching program offers you a safe space for emotional release to help you think more clearly and be more receptive to feeling good again. If you’re seeking relief from mild anxiety, depression, grief, or other burden, this counseling program will help you.

9 HONORING the FEMININE: Understanding Feminine Needs

Around the world, most societies recognize that women are of value. However, they may or may not permit women to express themselves freely, allowing them to ask for what they really want. As a result, a woman may not know what she wants or feel safe asking for it. This coaching program helps men and women address the needs and desires of women in a safe, caring & empowering  way.




As a man, you have the opportunity to be a great leader in your family & community. In your relationships, you can offer comfort as well as strength to your beloved. This coaching program helps a man recognize the stages of maturation toward a healthy masculinity, integrating thoughts and feelings for ultimate fulfillment.


Ever wonder how to please your wife? Teresa can help you better understand the feminine psyche which is quite different from the masculine. Learn emotional intelligence & rekindle the romance & passion, as you deepen the bond of your relationship. This convenient program by phone addresses all your questions & provides you with real solutions.




Today, women have an unprecedented opportunity to express themselves like never before. Identifying those long-hidden aspects of your full self-discovery is a very enriching pursuit. This coaching program assists you as you deepen your awareness as the unique woman you are.


Once you know who you are as a woman, it may still take time to practice new skills and test new realities. This coaching program focuses on helping you deepen your sacred feminine presence in your home and in the world around you. Waking up as an empowered woman takes time if it is a new paradigm.




14 ASCENSION PATHWAYS: Waking Up as a Spiritual Being

Are you interested in spiritual growth & development? This coaching program helps you resolve old wounds from any religious upbringing in order to discern where to go now on your spiritual journey of self-mastery. Spirituality is studying & applying both ancient & contemporary wisdom. Weekly sessions make all the difference.

15 PATH to the BELOVED: Relationship as Spiritual Practice

For sustainable relationships, men and women need to trust & respect themselves and one another. Waking up as spiritual beings means understanding how to serve one another on your individual and shared paths of soul evolution. See the divine spark of life within yourself and you will soon see it in your partner, or vice versa.

16 MYSTIC LOVER: Ancient Secrets for Modern Couples

Throughout the history of human endeavoring, lovers have discovered many techniques for marital bliss. This coaching program includes mystical secrets from many cultures to incorporate in your life today, including tantra, feng shui, astrology, and other long-revered practices. Taking time to explore these techniques offers you clarity on your journey of spiritual awakening.

17 TANTRA YOGA for Couples

Today, Tantra Yoga is more popular than ever. Couples are discovering how Tantra practices can not only re-kindle passion, but foster more wisdom as you explore the next stage of your relationship. Tantra is not just about sex. Tantra is a way of life, where you learn to allow your primal energy to become more refined so you can experience greater fulfillment in your life.

18 ANGELS RISING: Advanced Techniques for Spiritual Lovers

Meditation is very useful for couples wanting a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. Angels Rising is a coaching program for advanced students of Relationship as Spiritual Practice. We’ll address more refined principles of relationship harmony and spiritual evolution to bring you and your partner more everyday bliss and ecstasy.

19 GODDESS BLISS: Honoring the Sacred Feminine

The ancient practice of goddess worship recognized that women are divine embodiments of the sacred feminine. Today we can bring elements of this practice to help couples reach higher levels of relationship commitment and fulfillment. Men have been asking for female leadership more and more. Given a safe space, a woman can explore her sacred bliss and profoundly enrich her man in the process.

20 MYSTICAL FEMININE: The Magic of a Woman’s Soul

Advanced techniques of feminine wisdom are explored for the benefit of both men and women, in this coaching program. What begins as the sacred feminine, is refined and expanded into cosmic realities which help relieve anxieties and increase a couple’s quality of life. This is our most advanced coaching program.



“Thanks to your insightful program, I have reached my goals in spirituality and am enjoying a quality of life that I never thought I could. It has made a huge impact in my love relationship.” PS, Trouble shooter, Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland

“After working with you for only two months, I’m now signing up my psychiatrist wife & two children who are doctors too! This is very good work. You are my guru.” RS, Physician, Washington, DC

“Teresa, it’s only been six months working with you, and I am engaged to be married! I could never have done this without your insight and support. You are amazing. The invitation to our wedding will be arriving soon, I want you to be there.” SH, Psychiatrist, Napa, CA

“Teresa, you did the work that other psychologists and marriage counselors have failed to do for the past eight years. I now have a completely different understanding of my ex-wife, and this is helping my relationship with her, as well as our children. I can’t wait for you to help others like you have helped me. Men need this work.” WS, VP Marketing, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA

“You articulated the problems we’re dealing with and gave insight into their solutions, yet we’d never met you before!” GR, Architect, San Francisco, CA

“Teresa is not licensed, but I feel she’s the best therapist I’ve ever worked with. As a therapist myself, for the past 25 years, I am very impressed with her grasp of human nature and personal transformation techniques. I’ve reached a new level of self-awareness with her help and recognize a much deeper potential for my life.” Mikial, MFCC Therapist, San Diego

Read more Testimonials HERE.

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